WordPress 5.9.3 is now available!

This maintenance release features 9 bug fixes in Core and 10 bug fixes in the block editor.

WordPress 5.9.3 is a short-cycle maintenance release. The next major release will be version 6.0.

You can download WordPress 5.9.3 from WordPress.org, or visit your Dashboard → Updates and click “Update Now”.

If you have sites that support automatic background updates, they’ve already started the update process.

For more information, browse the full list of both Trac and GitHub changes in the release candidate post, or check out the changelog of version 5.9.3 on HelpHub.

Thanks and props!

The 5.9.3 release was led by Jb Audras and George Mamadashvili.

Special props to Sergey Biryukov for running mission control.

Thank you to everyone who helped make WordPress 5.9.3 happen:

Aki Hamano, Alex Stine, aliakseyenkaihar, Anton Vlasenko, binarymoon, Carlos Bravo, Colin Stewart, David Baumwald, <a href= 

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